Articles and essays
My scholarly writing has appeared in many of the nation’s leading journals. Here’s a list of selected pieces.
The Desert Was His Home, Creative Nonfiction, vol. 74 (Winter 2021).
Korematsu, Hirabayashi, and The Second Monster, 98 Texas Law Review 735 (2020).
The War Relocation Authority and the Wounding of Japanese American Loyalty, 86 Social Research 821 (Fall 2019).
Of Coercion and Accommodation: Looking at Japanese American Imprisonment through a Law Office Window, 35 Law and History Review 277 (2017).
Hirabayashi and the Invasion Evasion, 88 North Carolina Law Review 1333 (2010).
Judging Thomas Ruffin and the Hindsight Defense, 87 North Carolina Law Review 757 (2009).
The Japanese American Cases: A Bigger Disaster Than We Realized 49 Howard Law Journal 417 (2006).
A Penny for their Thoughts: Japanese American Draft Resistance at the Poston Relocation Center, 68 Law and Contemporary Problems 119 (2005).
Betrayal on Trial: Japanese American ‘Treason’ in World War II” 82 North Carolina Law Review 1759 (2004).
12/7 and 9/11: War, Liberties, and the Lessons of History, 104 West Virginia Law Review 571 (2002) (presented as the Edward G. Donley Memorial Lecture at the West Virginia University College of Law, 2002)
All the Themes But One, 66 University of Chicago Law Review 1395 (1999).
Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Procedure
Fixing a Hole: How the Criminal Law Can Bolster Reparations Theory, 47 Boston College Law Review 659 (2006).
Constitutional Conscience, 84 Boston University Law Review 1017 (2004).
The Hobgoblin of Little Minds? Our Foolish Law of Inconsistent Verdicts, 111 Harvard Law Review 771 (1998).
Solving the Batson Paradox: Harmless Error, Jury Representation, and the Sixth Amendment, 106 Yale Law Journal 93 (1996).
The Virtue of Mercy in Criminal Sentencing, 24 Seton Hall Law Review 288 (1993).
The Legal Defense Fund's Capital Punishment Campaign: The Distorting Influence of Death, 4 Yale Law & Policy Review 158 (1985).